Monday, 16 August 2010

Good Customer Service?

So I had this wedding to go to and of course I knew about it way in advance, but I still managed to leave shopping for it til the very last minute. After traipsing from store to store, looking for garments not only for myself, but my short peeps to, I soon got to the stage of exclaiming: "F**k the bloody tie! At least the shirt matches". All in all though, I'm quite chuffed at myself for how long I endured without throwing a tantrum.
However, by the time I got home I did think, actually the shirt looks a bit too causual for a wedding, lemme go try again.

Now I remember having aunts and uncles come to stay from Nigeria who would go to the market and find all these nice dress shirts and coo over the bargain they found, so unable to face Westfields Shopping Mall again, I decided to try my luck. The first shirt I saw, I was all up on it and even got a tie too, cheaper than the casual one I had purchased a couple days before, but I'm allergic to going back for refunds as much as I am to shopping. They are one and the same in my book, but I digress. As I pull out my money to pay, the asian man that who owns the store says, "You've shopped here before, I remember you. You were wearing that waistcoat or something like it then." I smile pleasantly and say no. I only purchased this baby a week or so ago, this is my first time wearing it out, and first time coming to the market in months, but the man insists he's seen me before. Saying about how women like myself don't come to his shop often, his average female customer is heavier than I am and doesn't look as fine. Er, hello? Then he goes on to tell me he what I purchased and sure enough, I did buy black combat trousers and omg, yes they were 28" waist, but wait, that was over a year ago! Dude goes on to say that I look like I work out, for how fit my body looks, I obviously stay clear of Micky D's etc.. Again I smile, marvelling at his customer service and walk away thinking I cannot believe he remembered the size of the combats I bought or even that I purchased them at all! I know I sure didn't.

A day after the fact I'm still marevelling at this man's memory, a few days after the fact and I'm thinking, hold up... Over a year and you remember what I bought and the size too? My inner cynic has kicked in and my mind is wondering, was that good customer service, a come on or downright creepy?  Hmm, maybe all of the above! Note to self, wander down the right hand side of the market next time.

Friday, 13 August 2010

Blog Mission: Rant & Moan - It's Been A While...

...since I had a good old rant! Maybe because I haven't got much to rant about, but I'm sure I'll find something by the end of this post. :)

I was in hospital for a short minute, went in last Thursday and came out on Sunday. I would say that it was phenomenally torturous - well, the pain was, but the stay wasn't. Either I'm becoming more docile with age or the bag I pre-packed, truly worked wonders. If I was one for regrets I'd be kicking myself for not committing to this simple practice sooner. Years back I thought it would be common sense to have a bag ready packed for such times as when a hospital level, sickle cell crisis struck me, but a part of me felt as if to do so would be to welcome pain in my life. I recently convinced myself otherwise, by deciding that I wasn't preparing for a hospital stay, rather a spontaneous weekend away... It hasn't happened yet, but I live in hope!

So in my bag I had everything from my psp with films loaded on it, to books a shower cap and a spare set of house keys. The whole admission process was hell as usual, I lay screaming in agony in A&E for five hours until the morphine finally knocked me out. That's all it was good for, because it sure didn't take away the pain. I spent most of the time sleeping off every next dose needed to quiet my hollering, in between which I took my Mariandina suppliments. For real, I'm always singing its praises, but this was the first time I had taken them to hospital with me. Despite not being prescribed laxatives for the inevitable side effect of constipation that morphine brings, I didn't experience any at all. No bloatedness, no itching, nothing! Needless to say I was in such a good mood (the little time I was awake), and to top it off, I had gadgets at hand and free wifi. I come home and my mother insists on having my short peeps for a week so I'm just like wow... nothing to rant about! And you know what, it feels good!

But watch out for the next post dammit, I'll have something to whine about for sure!