The passive delivery of seemingly complicated theories and issues in a way that is subtle enough to appeal to the higher self, whilst disarming the egocentric nature of the lower.
- The subtle infusion of knowledge and facts through a manner that does not directly infringe on the autonomy of the recipient.
The agreeable subliminal expanding of awareness, that causes one to question and seek the answers to one's own equation.
I finally came across a couple of her books in the library, newly ordered in. 'Kindred' and 'Wild Seed' I believe. The latter was a compilation of the Patternist series all bound in one book and that alone blew my mind! Two years later I had people telling me, 'I wish I could read all your books back to back', 'I'm going to ask my son/daughter/mother/father to buy me your books for xmas'. At the time of hearing the first comment, I was still in the process of editing my final book, so I didn't think much on it. However when I heard the second comment, I thought about xmas sales and the potential that comes with it. What would be more likely? Someone purchasing one book as a gift, or three separate ones? Then of course, I remembered 'Wild Seed' and how I loved being able to read four sequential novels back to back. Well I am my own publisher, so what's to stop me from doing exactly the same with my trilogy? Plus I have to admit I was envious of how Philip Pullman's trilogy had one overall name it was known by; 'His Dark Materials'. I wanted my trilogy to be known overall by one name, the way how was to compile it. Using this method, I could get the best of all worlds and so could potential customers.
One book and one overall name for my trilogy, that would only be sold online (unless book retailers chose to pay the cost of printing them up and holding them in stock). Buying each book individually offline at a cost of £36 or all in one online at the cost of £27. You do the math and think up all the other benefits that as a publisher this holds for both myself and my readers. Authors and self-publishers, we gotta start thinking bigger and finding ways to reduce on our outgoing costs. Think smart, work smart.
You have now been introduced to a simple concept that falls under the theory of 'HYPKNOWLOGY'.
HYPKNOWLOGY is due for release on November 6th 2010 and will be available on my site: TosinCoker.com Advance purchases can also be made on Amazon.