Thursday, 19 November 2009

Who or What are Indigo & Crystal Children?

Quotes from The Mouth of Babes - Nana explains to Teeny about Indigo and Crystals:

“Every Indigo and Crystal Soul counts. Indigos are dependent on Lightworkers; the support network, fore bearers, fore warners and guides of this important time. Likewise the Crystals are highly dependent on the Indigos whom with the benefit of their knowledge, personal experience and maturation of their abilities would raise them with a different set of moral codes and spiritual guidance. Thus stimulating the activation of the knowledge contained in their DNA, the unlocking of which has been previously neglected, ignored and even persecuted by humans of prior generations.......we have already lost millions to drugs, crime, gang warfare, suicide, misdiagnosis such as insanity or attention deficit disorder, poor diet, the list goes on..."

“Indigo and Crystal Children represent the dawning of a new Earth. Synchronous to Gaia’s evolution, her inhabitants are also evolving as a species. Indigos are pioneers paving the way for global rebirth, the first of which began incarnating approximately a century ago. Fifty years later saw the next generation of their kind, this time in greater numbers. It is this collective that are known as Lightworkers. The year 1970 was herald to the third wave that came in considerably larger figures. This group in particular bear a more aggressive warrior like nature as they actively tear down redundant structures and thought processes including, but not limited to governmental, educational and political institutions. They are passionate in their rebellious fight for change. Their belligerent disposition was necessary to successfully nullify expired methodologies. Having done so, these third, or gamma wave Indigos as they are also known, are now in their late twenties and early thirties and are not only maturing into positions of leadership, but are giving birth to a new wave of beings; the Crystals. These Crystal Souls began to incarnate from the year 2000, with a few arriving slightly earlier. What makes Indigos and Crystals so different to humans yet to evolve, are the spiritual gifts with which they are endowed. They vibrate on the frequency of the third-eye chakra, which facilitates psychic energies such as telepathy and clairvoyance and as such exhibit these and other abilities. In time all humans will transition to this stage of evolution. Post 1970 Indigos and new Crystal Souls are also unique in that they have never incarnated on Earth before,” Teeny’s grandmother concluded.

Indigo and Crystal children are often society's misfits due to their perception of the world. They are fighers for injustice and precursors for change. Many are endowed with gifts that due to being misunderstood, they commonly disregard as being a burden. These gifts include, but are not limited to empathy, clairvoyance, psychometry, telekenisis etc. Some down play their gifts after spending a lifetime unsuccessfully trying to fit in and be accepted by society. Their core beliefs coupled with their gifts hinders their attempts and thus can become something to resent instead of embraced. If you are reading this, you may well know one, be a friend or parent to one, or quite possibly are one yourself ;).

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