Monday, 1 February 2010

Brighter Side of Life

Its a Monday, usually a drag for some, but today has been the best I have felt for some time. I'm in such a wonderful mood its almost silly. Its not that anything special has happened per se, but I feel so hopeful and as a result, I'm smiling from within.

I used to take a meditation walk first thing every morning and it was such a wonderful start to the day, but due to the downturn of my health I slowly ceased to get out there. I have been wanting to get back to it for sometime, but with all the crazy dizzy spells and the gasping for breath just to get down the stairs in my house, I was yet to venture out again on a regular basis. Anyways, I had decided that this year was going to be different from '09. I mean, don't get me wrong, last year was totally amazing for me in terms of personal achievements, but health wise, I was a mess with a total of four stays in hospital for sickle cell crisis so severe, I simply couldn't manage them at home on my own.

Off to a late start, I was still determined to slowly build myself up and out of the house, better yet, get back to the point where I was before; wearing weights everywhere I went, even after my meditation walk and a session of skipping. First of all though, I needed to be able to get up and down them damn stairs without hyperventilating and aching all over. Well, I semi-started last week, with the walking I mean, and pushing past the pain and dizziness, I felt very good for it. Though by the time I got home, I was good for nothing and would have to take a nap. Even so, I made an effort to go up and down the stairs at least five times a day.

Yesterday I decided to try out my jump rope again. I didn't have any high expectations and only aimed for a count of 15, but my hope was to do repetitions of the same amount a few times a day. I only managed to do two sets, but again I felt good. Today is a new day and with it came a new zeal. I wanted to do better and so far I have. Thus far I have raised my count to 40, I've done 5 reps AND gone out for a long walk, climbed stairs! No significant pain, in fact I'm eager to do more. Finally, I am getting back to ME!

If that ain't something to be happy about I'll take it a step further. I was doing some research about something I have been craving a lot of as of late, just to make sure too much of it wasn't bad for me and, it turns out that it naturally inhibits pain, hmmm. So I've been putting it to the test and so far, I have no complaints, in fact I'm in awe (I will be doing a radio show about it soon enough), but that's not what I was getting at. On one of the pages I sought information from, there was a link to a 1000 word a day challenge for writers. Just what I needed right now! So I followed it and for those who feel they may fall short of 1000, there is the 500 or 250 option. NaNoWriMo was a wonderful incentive for me to write and though I didn't complete the challenge (50,000 words in 30 days), I achieved so much! Some of my best writing was born out of it (even though I lost it all), but I'm so pumped. I'm not going to overwhelm myself, I'm going to go for the 500 option and maybe later try for 1000. So I am committing myself to writing toward my novel everyday, and if I'm not in the mood for it, you'll find the contribution for said day here.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I'm really glad to hear this! Get to work on finishing that trilogy now!
